Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Good Boyfriend vs The Bad Boyfriend

I have 2 cats. One is called Fergue, she lives with my parents and we've had her for about 16 years I think. The other is Rokocoko who I've talked about before. He's almost 10 months and lives with me at my flat. I have spent a lot of time with both of these cats recently and I have come up with an analogy to explain my relationship with these 2 cats. Mum and Dad have been heard to refer to Fergue as the Bad Boyfriend instead of by name ("Did the Bad Boyfriend sleep with you last night?").


As you may have picked up Fergue is the Bad Boyfriend. I know she loves me. She's my cat and we've been together for years. But Fergue never shows me this. When I pick her up she meows like I'm hurting her, she sleeps with her back to me and she will never come when I call her. But I know she loves me cos she never runs away when I pick her up or put her in my bed. She purrs when I pat her, she sleeps on my bed and I've been told she mopes around and is generally pathetic when I'm not there. She's the Bad Boyfriend cos even though she loves me the most she will never show me.

(Not such a good picture, he's eating my breakfast)

But Rokocoko is the Good Boyfriend. He's so so happy to see me even if I've only been out for a minute, he comes when I call him (not to anyone else), he purrs all the time and loves nothing better than to sleep as close to me as he can get. In recent times he's taken to following me EVERYWHERE! No matter where I am in the house he'll be there right by me. Lying on the floor, sitting on the couch, talking on the phone (I caught him actually trying to answer the phone the other day), in bed, the kitchen, the shower (yes the shower) or even (this is a little gross) the toilet. Today I could hear him meowing the whole time I was in the shower cos I'd shut the door and he couldn't get in to sit in his usual spot. Rokocoko is the Good Boyfriend because he loves me unconditionally and he's not afraid to show it.

And as always I love them both. A girl can't resist the boyfriend who adores who but also the bad boy (or girl in this case) that doesn't treat her so well but she still loves.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Just breathe

It's been a pretty massive last 10 days for my family, some friends and I. At this stage I won't go into all the details. Its been rough and it's not over yet for me but we'll be right! (She'll be right mate!)

The exciting thing though is that Kaija and I are going on holiday!!! We're spending 10 days in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia (not sure about Laos at this stage, not big fans of land mines) and then just under a week in Melbourne. It's gonna be AMAZING! We leave on the last day of my degree (Nov 26). We're going to go to Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Phnom Penh, Siam Reap, Ko Samoi and see things like markets, the Killing Fields, the Bridge of the River Kwai, Angkor Wat, ride elephants and play on the beach. We're are of course overly excited which is expected but a little hard to handle when it's so far away!!!

I'm sure you'll all get bored of me going on about it so I'll stop for now. I need a wee rant. The other day saw a girl I know (We shall call Girl A) and she mentioned another girl (Girl B) and when I asked how Girl B was Girl A started to say something and then goes "no I won't gossip". Now this has been annoying me for SO long. Firstly, if you're not going to tell me something dont' be a loser and start saying it and then stop. Secondly, where is the line between gossip and generally catching up with people? If something is happening for Girl B I'd love to know about it cos she meant loads to me when we knew eachother. I have no way of finding Girl B so if I can hear how she's going from someone else that'd be great. And thirdly, how did I come out of the conversation looking like the bad person?? Girl A, in that one sentence ("I won't gossip") had made me look like such a bad person for wanting to gossip about people and all I had wanted to know was how Girl B was! Ugh!!!

Incidently Girl A is also the person who ALWAYS asks when they see me if I'm going to church. No I'm not going to church, I'm comfortable with this, it doesn't make me a lesser person at ALL, it doesn't mean that I don't believe in God and are no longer Christian. It means that at this stage of my life I haven't found anywhere that I feel safe and comfortable to be me. I don't "fit" in church and you can argue this point with me for as long as your heart desires but that's how it is. (Take a breath Jo). I think I will be avoiding Girl A like the plague in future.

I'm sure I had something else good to write about but I've forgotten it. Rokocoko is so so cool. Honestly.

Oh did I mention I'm going to Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Melbourne? Yip. Gonna be AWESOME! eh Kaija.