Sunday, February 03, 2008

A Day in the Life of Jo

1. Wake up and wish it wasn't morning. Roll over and look at the clock. Realise it's not morning, its 4am and I'm in Queensland where they don't understand the concept of Daylight Savings. Surely nobody actually thinks having the sun be up by 4am and be down by 7pm in summer is a good thing! Go back to sleep.

2. Wake up cos my alarm is going off. Get up, have shower (no waiting for shower either, love the ensuite), have breakfast while playing on the Internet.

3. Catch bus/walk to work. Spend all of that time muttering to myself and anyone that will listen about how ridiculously bad the Gold Coast bus system is and how often the bus's just don't turn up! It'll be a hot day in Wales when a Gold Coast bus is on time!

4. Work. Spend that time muttering to myself about how sore my feet are from standing in cheap shoes and winding myself up about how some people have no concept of money. Their idea of money troubles is that they have to buy the 8 bedroom house cos they can't afford the 9 bedroom one! And reminding myself that I doubt that I'd ever get plastic surgery because its called plastic for a reason!

5. Go home. Spend all of that time muttering to myself and anyone that will listen about how ridiculously bad the Gold Coast bus system is and how often the bus's just don't turn up! It'll be a hot day in Wales when a Gold Coast bus is on time!

6. Play on the Internet/watch rubbish ausy tv/eat bad food/hang out with caraaazzzziii people!

7. Go to bed.

I have to be honest...when I was thinking about writing this post last night as I went to sleep I didn't notice how much I talk to myself!


Anonymous said...

I object. It can be reasonably sunny in Wales!! We have summer in the northern hemisphere too, contrary to popular belief!! :)

Deb Robertson Writes said...

Great postings Jo. Its so good to see what you are up to. Miss you

Unknown said...

Well Moi that was kinda the doesn't happen very often but it has been known to happen!

Actually this morning going to meet Kaija in Brisbane my bus was actually on time! Not sure whether I was more excited about seeing Kaija or the bus turning up!

Miss you too Debs xx