Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Various pics from my phone

Every now and then I see something pretty cool but don't have my big flash camera with me and so I have to take a pxt on my phone so here's a few for your viewing pleasure:

Rabbit Island near Nelson:

Beautiful blossom near Coalgate:

A random article in a paper I found when on a train home when I was in Brisbane:

A sign on the bus to the airport in Beijing, China:

I still don't get it!!

In Cambodia...do I sit or not???:

Same place in Cambodia. A for apple, B for baby...so far so good...wait....K for....???

(It's K for kitten by the way but that's not what I first thought either!)

Again in Cambodia, in a restaurant...we ordered it but it didn't come with a Cambodian!

On my flight from Christchurch to Melbourne. Amazing!

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