Wednesday, September 07, 2005

What would you do?

Recently on a couple of tv shows (Greys Anatomy and Home and Away) a couple have had to choose between the mother and the unborn child because she has cancer or a heart problem or something. If they keep the baby she dies and if she lives the baby will die. And I've heard of this scenario before. And I know it's just tv but I wondered what I'd do, and I talked to The Boy about what he would want to do if we were in that situation and so now I come to you, my fans, what would you do? Would you keep the unborn child and let you or your partner die or would you terminate the baby and have another child in the future when everything was better?


Anonymous said...

Tough question jo. That would be a terrible decision to have to make. Sure, you could choose your life over the babys and say that there will be other children, but would anyone really be able to live with the memory of what they had done? On the other hand, having to give up your own life would be hard to do, to put it mildly. I havent answered your question because i honestly cant, i have no idea what i would do, i just hope none of us ever have to make that decision.

hg said...

Personally, I think if it was a health reason to terminate the baby so that the mother could live, even in the situation where future children would be impossible, I'd still save the mother. Thats me speaking as a husband.

Why do you refer to whatever his name is as The Boy

Unknown said...

Anonymous: I think I could live with it. (No pun intended). Yes it would be painful losing a baby but is it fair to have my partner raise a child on their own as well as lose their partner? I guess it's a case of lesser evil really.

Andrew: I refered to Paul as The Boy because not everyone will know who he is. You always call Alice "my wife" so I guess it's similar.

Karen: That is the kind of situation that would make it so hard to choose to terminate. Lets hope none of us actually has to go through this!

hg said...

I asked that because me calling Alice "my wife" is pretty normal but thats the first time I've heard someones boyfriend called "The Boy", I'm not getting angry I just think it's funny :)

Anonymous said...

i think i agree with karens last comment

gazza said...

I'd agree with Karen on that one too. Hard as it'd be, I'd Leave it in God's hands and trust his judgment.

Rayd said...

Karen's answer does seem the most logical. It is the one i would do, but the problem is i dont know if i could bring myself to having to make that decision.

Unknown said...

I don't think that there is a logical answer in this. And I don't think there's right or wrong solutions.